Mr. Victor Johnson

Mr. Victor Johnson is the CEO and a founding member of LEDing Hostels Limited. He has extensive experience in Investment Banking having worked with JP Morgan Chase - UK, Noble Group - UK, Barclays Capital-UK, Shems LLP UK, and Wutaenergy – Ghana, Niger, Burkina Faso. He has over the years developed a strong background in derivatives trading, analysis, operations management, and strategic leadership. A confident and diligent Finance and Exotic derivatives expert, his diverse international experience spanned across a range of banking, finance, and the energy sectors.
Mr. Johnson holds, among other qualifications, a Bachelor of commerce - B.Com (Accounting & Finance) from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, MSc International Finance (International Risk Management) from the University of Westminster Business School, London, and M Phil in Quantitative Finance (London). He is also a member of Chartered institute of Securities and Investment - UK